Status for April 5

What have I worked on?

  • logistics: end of semester is time for committee meetings. Loads coming up.

  • theory: course logistics (grading, lectures, etc.). Getting close to the end though.

  • grants: some tweaks to BDHSC grant. Thinking and small tweaks to others.

  • service: agreed to review 2 manuscripts, have handled numerous as data editor for Ecology Letters. Probably am doing too much of this, tbh.

  • swModScaling: Neat new pub based on some initial ideas we had a long time ago to help out Jason Janeaux’s dissertation work, as he wanted to get sexual contact network data for some fun simulation work, but it’s hard to come by. Commercial sex work on online platforms can allow us to get some sense of a sexual contact network, and the network is georeferenced and changes over time.

  • neonTurnover: friendly review currently. Close to submission.


  • takeStock: good balance of grants written and projects formed, but may be time to start new projects related to proposed grant goals. Maybe if I do the work before I submit the grant, they’ll give me some moneys? They can’t say the writing is too vague or criticize contingency plans if I’ve already done the thing, right?

  • bike

What should I be working on now?

  • theory: disease and macroecology lecture prep. come up with plan for last day of class (work through some problems? discuss a high-level paper?)

  • organizeProjects: figure out priorities based on the takeStock tonight.

  • rangeNiche2: fixed stupid raster bug in code, so now I have to re-run everything. Annoying, but good to catch. Write some for this.

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