Status for January 25

What have I worked on?

  • nsfMacroB: pushed along grant text a fair bit

  • bdhsSeminar: four talks as part of the Big Data Health Science group here

  • regenSearch: job candidate talk for regenerative biologist position

  • comments: UG protocol draft comments, helped another UG with developing small grant proposal

  • ecolLet: data editor for Ecology Letters. Told me I’d handle 2 manuscripts per month max. I’ve handled 4 in 2 weeks.

  • fallTeaching: what should I try to teach next fall? If I develop new course, it’s min 3 courses developed pre-tenure, which seems like a lot. If I risk it and teach another round of Reproducible Research, I might not have enough folks in the room.

  • neonVar: some work on responding to reviewer comments. They were really constructive comments, getting at some of the core issues with measuring temporal variability from empirical time series data

  • nihr21: sent along more info (key/senior personnel form bits)


  • bike: do the thing (not as hard as yesterday though)

What should I be working on now?

  • nsfMacroB: finalize it and maybe pass for friendly review before submission

  • neonTurnover: good conceptual dev but need clearer questions and cleaner codebase (right now it’s just a lot of visualization and data exploration)

  • rangeNiche2: keep pushing manuscript dev (intro, concept figure, preliminary sketches of figs, etc.)

  • neonVar: edits nearly done, but need finalizing and figshare needs updating

  • theory: create homework keys/rubrics, update website with new notes, etc.

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