Status for January 10

What have I worked on?

  • insectDisease: r-lib/actions fix to get the GitHub Actions working nicely

  • theoryEcology: small updates and website build updates. Teaching in afternoon.

  • logistics: some website dev late additions (up to 15+ folks interested)

  • r21: wrote the bulk of my aim and sent to collaborator for edits/ideas

  • labNotebook: kind of meta, but fixed weird Spotify link issue with the embedded track stuff.

  • rangeNiche2: officially got it on GitHub, and spent some time sketching out manuscript structure


  • bike: tt plus another semi-tough ride yesterday. Just do like 1 hour easy spin today probably.

  • sleep: go to bed before midnight?

What should I be working on now?

  • rangeNiche2: strike while iron is hot. Keep the writing and reading going.

  • magellan: meeting to discuss Magellan grant ideas and some fun UG projects

  • nsfCyber: reach out to program officer to chat about updated budget and potential flaws based on reviewers’ comments. I think the resubmission is looking strong, but what do I know?

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