Status for January 6

What have I worked on?

  • r21: aim development for some potential fun collaboration

  • theoryEcology: more homework rubric work (this honestly took most of my time)

  • insectDisease: actually fixed getNCBI function (not a hacky fix like I had before)

  • nsfCyber2: some more dev, but it looks really good to me

  • laurenMeeting: had one grad researcher meeting


  • bike: something spicy if up for it

  • nest: maybe install the google nest thermostat. Weirdly excited about it. I am old now.

What should I be working on now?

  • theoryEcology: course starts next week. Make sure everything is ready to roll.

  • websiteDev: pick seminar time based on feedback. Reserve room and other logistics.

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