Status for January 5

What have I worked on?

  • insectDisease: worked towards resubmission on this. Got Zenodo integration, etc.

  • neonRicker: submitted it

  • grantLogistics: changing universities is annoying sometimes. So is updating current and pending support forms. Grant stuff in general is a bit extra.

  • professionalService: agreed to review grant and finished review of article.

  • rangeNiche: every time I do GIS in R, I have to re-learn it all. It’s awful. Every. Time.


  • ride: indoor bike. Need to get back out running, but bruised ribs hurt bit too much.

What should I be working on now?

  • grantWriting

  • campusShit: logistics, get some code running on lab machines, continue unpacking, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

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