Status for November 12

What have I worked on?

  • verena: discussed some project ideas and logistic stuff

  • nsfMacro: met with Lauren and Cleber about this project. Super cool stuff already starting to form here.

  • spaceTimeR: one of the last weeks in the “everything spatio-temporal is best when Bayesian” class.

  • reproResearch: office hours and class

  • tripartite: running on beast2

  • parmTime: read to run on beast1, will be running by end of day if I can access the machine (vpn + lsu + wireless connection instead of ethernet = traaaaaaash).


  • bike: Trader Joe’s.

  • run: around

  • prep: long day tomorrow of meetings. Get prepped for lab meeting (i.e., journal club, plot for viz challenge, etc.)

What should I be working on now?

  • meetings: lots of them

  • FYB: ride bikes with kiddos in the afternoon.

  • writing: couple of projects could use some pushing along writing-wise.

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