Status for July 17

What have I worked on?

Long time since update. Been mainly using Github project board for tracking project progress, making this somewhat redundant.

  • verena: some logistic stuff and other cool advances with this group

  • epiControl: reject despite generally positive reviews from PLoS Comp Bio. Currently adding some further analyses and re-factoring some text bits. Frustrating to see a similar (but far worse) approach come out in PLoS Comp Bio the same week as the rejection. The review process is a stochastic mess.

  • reproResearch: lots of dev.

  • logistics: pulling in two graduate students in the coming fall/spring, and saying goodbye to a research associate. Trying to finish up existing projects with them, and keep pushing projects along of current PhD student and honor’s undergraduate student.

  • efi: helping design forecasting challenge. Pretty neat.

  • otherStuff: science and stuff


  • esaTalk: finalize and record

  • reproResearch: record another lecture

  • run

What should I be working on now?

  • reproResearch: finish up the recorded lectures asap

  • bioStabilityX: push along, with Drew’s help

  • verenaProjects: do some project brainstorming

  • read

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