Status for June 25

What have I worked on?

  • grantStuff: l o g i s t i c s

  • labMeeting, harrisSeminar, harmanDefense: lots of meetings. All really fantastic.

  • helmSubset: some rank correlation plots added, some text edits.

  • persistDistro: reject from Am Nat. Incorporate comments and submit to Theoretical Ecology (Am Nat was a bit of a reach, but I think this is really neat stuff, and the editors agree…with some caveats)

  • otherStuff: pushing this at 2:30pm so plenty of daylight left.


  • run and read: Stop being lazy and do some self care.

  • expenseReports: the admin never ends.

  • otherStuff?: idk. probably.

What should I be working on now?

  • reproResearch: finalize some of the assignments, and start to record lectures within a week or so to test how bad my webcam mic is.

  • otherStuff?

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