Status for February 4

What have I worked on?

  • logistics:

  • rangeShape: pushed some of this forward. Passed to collaborators and responded to reviewers concerns (more of a “first pass”).

  • mothSync: started to respond to reviewer concerns. Needs some re-analysis I should be able to do pretty easily.

  • rangeNiche1: reject/resubmit decision on this, with most of the comments about a couple of methodological issues and incorporation of a proper null model. Pushed some of this forward.

  • logistics: some grant garbage, installed more memory in my computer, etc.

  • Tivon: talked about project status. Shaping up nicely.


  • read: couple of articles I’ve been really wanting to read

  • logistics: may need to drop everything and pitch in towards last minute grant formatting effort.

What should I be working on now?

  • rangeNiche: start responding to reviewers and re-shaping the manuscript

  • mothSync: same as above

  • stuff

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