Status for January 29

What have I worked on?

  • persistDistro: revisiting the reviews. Worth re-submitting (imo), but one of the reviewers was a bit hesitant about the manuscript.

  • vwrQuote: spending that startup to get the lab outfitted

  • logistics: emails, agreeing to meetings, etc. Talked out some research points with Cleber and Jane.

  • bIIgrant: pushed forward some of the budgeting stuff, and made sure my docs were all in before our internal screening deadline. Messed with the overall budget to work in some potential visits for students to learn from other labs.

  • yeast: yeast yeast yeast.


  • runif no rain. It’s an R joke. It’s bad.

  • read

  • labMeeting: prep for lab meeting (read couple of articles for journal club, get ready to chat about lab project ideas, etc.

What should I be working on now?

  • persistDistro, mothSync, helmBiogeog

  • sDiv: write wordz good.

  • bioStability: push this forward.

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