Status for January 16

What have I worked on?

  • nsfMacro: it is officially submitted. Let’s hope I formatted everything correctly and that the reviewers are nice (or at least constructive) and that I get the money so I can fund a graduate student to do cool science.

  • labMeeting: productive lab meeting. Chatted about a whole bunch of stuff while finding some neat overlap between lab members (of pretty different backgrounds) research interests

  • persistDistro: started handling reviewer comments. Really constructive. Metapopulation capacity isn’t the product of a dynamic model. There. I said it. It mashes some assumptions about dispersal and patch area into a spatial network describing potential dispersal, ignoring spatial variation in dispersal, local interactions with natural enemies, dispersal limitation not caused by distance or island area, etc. etc. etc. Let’s stop acting like it’s a great measure, and maybe push some other ideas forward in metapopulation biology. Who’s with me?

  • bioDataSci: handled some emails and listserv adds for the Biological Data Science brown bag lunch I’m trying to get moving. I am a tiny bit worried about the breadth of interests we seem to have as a group, but I imagine we’ll be able to find some common computational ground.


  • groceries: if it stops raining.

  • read

  • takeStock

  • beer: it’s been a fairly long day

What should I be working on now?

  • meetings: 4 meetings on Friday. Push helmBiogeog forward.

  • museumSeminar: Looks neat.

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