Status for March 27

What have I worked on?

  • rangeShape2: started sketching out some code and ideas for funsies. Some stuff running on jarno11

  • helminthPres: I give a seminar tomorrow, so I’ve been working on finalizing the presentation and prepping some notes, which I will immediately forget 10 seconds before the seminar starts.

  • hmscMouse: asked for an extension as the models are taking stupid long to run. Slowly slogging through. Nearly time to start re-making plots and adding more to the manuscript.

  • rangeShape1: some minor tweaks. This thing is pretty ready to go in my opinion.

  • abundOcc: started submission process, but still waiting on on coauthor to sign off on it.


  • run

  • takeStock: it’s been awhile since I considered where my projects are, and where future projects should be.

What should I be working on now?

  • rangeShape2: push it along slowly.

  • abundOcc: submit when coauthor signs off.

  • hmscMouse: push forward the text edits while the models run, in prep for the mass revisions.

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