Status for February 11

What have I worked on?

  • helmCent: wrote much of introduction. Got some code running, but it’s taking lots of time and I’m burning through my CPU hour allotment too fast if I keep this pace.

  • helmNets: the playNAR code runs, but there’s a memory leak somewhere that I can’t put my finger on. Currently running one simulation run and it’s sucking down 40-50gb. Makes no sense. Going to see if it’s just the modularity part that’s the cause, then consider cutting or refining it to get rid of leak.

  • checkerBoard2: reject and re-submit with really positive comments. I really wish they’d call it something different, because this honestly looks more like minor revisions to me.

  • reading: a few papers, including a community trajectory paper in Eco Monographs from De Caceres and folks that I’d been meaning to read for a bit.


  • logistics: some bs with my Finnish bank and my inability to use my card for the next 10 weeks.

  • checkerBoard2: sketch out plan for revisions

  • mothSync: push along conceptually, and make plot of spatial graph with nodes colored by mean cor and node size proportional to sd corr (or maybe species richness should be point size?).

  • helmBiogeog: get geographic coordinates and area.

What should I be working on now?

  • helmNets: get overall net code running on jarno12 once R is updated there. This will get around time limitations and provide some nice sandboxing before I toss similar stuff on mareNostrum (Barcelona cluster).

  • helmCent: make sure code is producing some sort of output. By tomorrow it should’ve it one of the checkpoints in the code.

  • ``:

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