Status for February 3

What have I worked on?

  • helminthR: removed ggmap dependency, and tweaked cleanData.R functionality. Updated Github and released to CRAN. v.1.0.7

  • priorityEffects: commented on Geoff’s revised abstract and intro. They look great.

  • sevilla: explored, went running, and went to a music festival for a bit yesterday, but today I have a cough and feel a bit sick. So it’s tea, sitting in my bed, and alternating between easy work, duolingo-ing it up, and watching bad tv.

  • CV: updated.

  • helmX: worked on re-factoring helmCent code to run on cluster


  • read: non-academic book time.

What should I be working on now?

  • helmCent: get null model running on the bsc-cluster. This will involve a fair amount of initial handholding to move all needed packages over and such.

  • alandOcc: submit it.

  • helmX: push along

  • emergnce: polishing edits and prep submission.

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