Status for February 1

What have I worked on?

  • mothSync: pushed forward a bit

  • mothSim: changed the similarity measure and thought about conceptual flow of project

  • helmCent: laid some code down and got stuff running.

  • hpc: played around with the cluster. It has no way to download R packages (you can scp things to the cluster though), so I’m trying to think of the best way to handle package dependencies. Docker is out, sadly. It’s either I scp/rsync all my packages to the cluster, or I snipe specific functionality needed from packages and include it in some support functions script near the top of my job submission file.

  • professionalService: agreed to review another paper. Project for this weekend maybe?


  • run: first run in Sevilla. I’ve walked a lot, but I think I know my way around enough to run and not get lost. We shall see.

What should I be working on now?

  • helmX: push along these projects in concept

  • mothSim and mothSync: solidify goals of these and start sketching out methods and intro skeleton.

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