: minor tweak to package. Pushed changes to Github and CRAN update submitted. If I could donate money/coffee/beer directly to the R Core team (except maybe Ripley), I’d do it in a heartbeat.
: models running. I’m hopeful that something comes out as interesting. It would be sort of a neat story if colonization/extinction processes were predicted by different variables than persistence time. It would indicate a separation of process for species getting to a place and species staying in a place.
: further manuscript edits. Discussion is still lacking, but want to get feedback on scope and such before I push that forward.
: edits completed. Message sharpened, especially in abstract and introduction.
: It’s a tiling window manager and desktop environment. Was using i3 for awhile, but the learning curve was a bit steep, and it requires too much upfront knowledge and tweaking (network-manager, etc.). I’m really liking awesome thus far.
: filled out performance plan (internal logistic stuff).
: hitting bug. Emailed Robin about it, since I think it relates to the C code. She wrote it, and is a badass.