: separated this idea from persistDistro2
(which may get abandoned). Some prelim code running now, and sketched out my ideas.
: read through prediction scripts and made initial notes. Got the newest model fits folder and will work through the prediction code more thoroughly over the weekend or early next week.
: sketched out some potential questions and read up on the data structure and what it’s been use for.
: read Gaston and McArdle 1994. Will check out more recent papers citing that soon, but damn they do a pretty good job sketching out the numerous limitations in examining temporal variability in species abundance.
: emailed with Joe at LSU about visit to Baton Rouge while I’m in New Orleans for ESA.
: backed up flash drive. Eventually will figure out a better system, but for now, the occasional backup with rsync
is what I got. Already have a NAS picked out for my lab at LSU. :)