: put pen to paper on some vole-parasite ideas
: code almost done running, but hitting lots of file location errors.
: starting to play around with Aland data to look at persistence times. Distros are fit, but now I need to assemble the networks with the weird negative exponential dispersal link distance.
: booking travel for upcoming BES macroecology conference, and trip to Manchester in mid June.
: single species models still running. Weird segfault issues that I can’t seem to diagnose. It has to be that there’s NA, NaN, or Inf getting caught up in something, but I can’t trace it. Annoying. I think it might be during k-fold cross-validation, if the subset data contain a response with no variation (all absences in an SDM sense) this could create an issue through calculation of variance or standardizing by variance leading to divide by 0 errors.