Status for March 10

What have I worked on?

  • hostRange: edits and responses. Polished. Tossed on Overleaf. Emailed collaborators to take a look and edit/comment as they see fit.

  • helmSize: didn’t get to it last night. Took stock of where it’s at, and made minor adjustments to text. Ignacio has introduction. Tweaked some of the figures. Made figures for coarseness stuff, but need to flesh this supplemental section out.


  • dispersalTrait: worked on it last so I didn’t spend the whole day on it. Pushed along conceptual message and did some polishing of the methods section. Make sure to communicate how the order of empirical and theoretical components plays into the larger message of the manuscript (meta-narrative). It’s kind of a neat story.

What should I be working on now?

  • graphDissim: Intro is skeletal but thesis paragraph is there. Writing time.

  • dispersalTrait: Write the words good.

  • priorityEffects1: small tweaks. Polish off the RickerMix supplemental stuff.

  • hostUtility: push along conceptual dev and lay down simulation code. Toss to John for his opinion.

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