Status for February 24

What have I worked on?

The reason why I haven’t updated in awhile is amusing, so I’ll write it here. I upgraded to a USB 3.0 flash drive after my other flash drive started to show signs of wear. This normally wouldn’t be an issue, but UC Davis refuses to allow people to run any linux distro (dual booting it would require partitioning hard drive, which requires admin privelages). They have it locked down pretty well. I didn’t want to use Windows when I arrived, since my toolchain involves some tools not really available in Windows (an oddly increasing amount of shell scripting, makefiles, etc.). The crap solution I came up with was to run Ubuntu from inside a virual machine. The install of the VM was necessary to run Docker in Windows (or so I was told), so I had a nice VM setup already. The issue stems from the fact that I can’t update anything! without admin access, which only the IT folks have. So to update my VM to even recognize a USB 3.0 device, I had to fill out a request, and have been waiting for the past 3 days for what will be a < 100 keystroke update. That’s my funny story that explains why I haven’t updated this in a bit (I use make ot generate posts and push to Github).

  • professionalService: reviewed 2 manuscripts.
  • metacom: package updates.
  • rangeLean: Robin pushed along model, and now is time for some data-model integration to round this paper out.
  • checkerboard: writing. Data still rolling in, which will be used to inform modeling efforts.
  • macroHelminth: made some small changes. Will email collaborators soon after some larger changes are made.
  • graphDissim: had to re-run analyses due to silly bug in code. Still running, but I’m hopeful that the code is correct and I think the results will be really interesting.
  • helmSize: pushed along the text. Still lacking a discussion. Maybe work on that soon?
  • teary: Drank tea/coffee with people from Shreiber, Baskett, and Hastings labs.

What should I be working on now?

  • docker and julia: have been refreshing myself on both at the same time, by learning julia using the julia docker container. It’s been fun stuff. Keep going with it.
  • dishes: we still have plenty of dishes. Maybe do a big chunk tonight?
  • labProject: push along my section.

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