Status for January 30

What have I worked on?

  • appliedMath: learned about muscle contraction and Lagrangian versus Eulerian frames in terms of PDEs

  • priorityEffects1: pushed along manuscript text. This took most of the day. I am a slow writer.

  • labLogistics: undergraduate research team stuff. Then I took a nice break and painted some beetles with Jessica. She is a pro.


  • reading: catch up on some of the reading stack and try to conceptualize future beetle experiments.

What should I be working on now?

  • priorityEffects1: keep writing. May be able to get draft into Alan’s hands by tomorrow, or at least have figures ready for initial feedback.

  • beetleExperiments: experimental ideas. Sketch out ones you’re ready to move on, and ones that are still in prep. The undergraduate team will be growing soon, and we need to have experiments ready for them to do.

  • professionalService: manuscript review

Listening to:

Nothing. I spent the whole day in silence.