Status for January 18

What have I worked on?

  • appliedMath: learned about the isoperimetric problem. Going to need to sit down and read more of that calculus of variations text before I understand what I just scribbled down.

  • helmSize: discussed project organization with Alyssa. Got on the same page. What started as a two person project has now attracted 8 collaborators! Exciting stuff.

  • checkerboard: data entered, but not validated.

  • priorityEffects2: made some plots of growth rates over the 3 gens of experiment. Calculated slopes of population trajectories in the multivariate space of initial abundance. Calculated distance among all points in multivariate space regardless of generation (2800**2 distance calculations). Distance calculation may take a bit. Should’ve parallelized it, but still working on stupid 2 core machine while our lab cluster is down.

  • thresholdDensity: Marty green-lit resubmission with a couple small tweaks. Wrote cover letter, and will work on resubmission tomorrow.


  • helmSize: Time to organize the repo and start pushing this forward a bit more. My hope is that if I provide an understandable file structure, analytical workflow, and manuscript skeleton, everybody will be able to contribute and the project will be a breeze. On the other hand, getting 8+ Github beginners to collaborate on the analysis and writing of a manuscript is terrifying.

  • arc: easy 7 miles is goal. Find treadmills not awkwardly overlooking basketball courts is ancillary goal.

What should I be working on now?

  • priorityEffects2: KNN distance matrix to compare slope as a function of generational difference and distance in phase space. Final component needs more work.

  • beetleTeam: meeting with Brett and Alan. Prep some stuff to have in hand on both priorityEffects1 and priorityEffects2. Play around with simulating two species data and fitting to it.

  • thresholdDensity: resubmit.

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