Status for January 2

What have I worked on?

  • priorityEffects: wrote detailed email on my sticking points and sent to Alan and Brett for help. Implemented start and stop values so the optimization shouldn’t drop below 0 and throw those neg log errors.

  • checkerboard: finalized protocol. labeled patches. created data sheets. Figuring out stock situation. A bit short on patch lids. I may try to come in tonight and blaze through some of that, but Zach is so much better than me at that jazz.

  • hostRange: started the submission process, but still waiting on some of the coauthors to sign off. Wish I worked outside so I had cool pictures for the cover photo. :( #foundDataProblems

  • jobTalk: Not a reality yet, but sketched out my projects, and thoguht of which projects I’d include in a job talk and how they fit together. Updated CV (not website version yet though).

  • labLogistics: cleaned and organized shelves to prep for the chaos that will start soon-ish. In my cleaning, found 2 new-ish unused computer speakers! Good replacement to yellowed, gross, garbly speakers that were in the lab. Spent rest of day in lab listening to music out of non-garbage speakers.


  • zika: scope out why the models bonk, per Michelle’s email.

  • helmSize: push along conceptual manuscript flow.

What should I be working on now?

  • checkerboard: continue prep. Talk to undergrads before they burn excess stock. Ask team about stocks to make sure we have enough surplus for the next 5 weeks to fuel this experiment. This week and next week should be plenty. After that I’m unsure. Figure out if we can green light this experiment this week, or if we’ll have to push. If we have to push, we’ll have to temporarily ramp up farming potentially in order to get the number of beetles to start the experiment.

  • consult whiteboard to see what else needs my attention. Probably popBuffering small edits, parasiteSAR dev, etc.

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