Status for December 9

What have I worked on?

  • esaDisease: planning meeting in the morning prompted some small changes to website structure.

  • priorityEffects: wrote code for maximum likelihood fitting for the full set of models, and associated nll functions. However, I’m not sure if I did everything correctly. Need to continue to run tests on the code to make sure it’s doing what it should be doing. This took the majority of the day. Oof.

  • helmsize: Alyssa liked the project idea, and created a repo. I played around with the data a bit, but haven’t done much more than play around and write a couple of small support functions.

  • dispersalTrait: edited protocol. It’s ready to go. Got paint pen in and I have high hopes it’ll work for marking beetles. If it does, we’re in business to start this experiment in early-mid January.

What should I be working on now?

  • professionalService: review article

  • helmsize: push along

  • thresholdDensity: work on responses to reviewers and editor. Be clear about where the changes are (line numbers).

  • labLogistics: Census number of patches in prep for spatial experiment in early January. Wash as many dishes as you can.

  • priorityEffects: get data ready to be offered to the maximum likelihood gods.

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