Status for December 6

What have I worked on?

  • checkerboard: edited protocol to be a single shot experiment.

  • networkEWS: some reading, some simulation, some conceptual development.

  • reading: new Ecology stat report (here) argues ordination scores of interaction matrix are a measure of diet breadth. I guess this means that what I considered a measure of parasite community composition per host species in this paper could be considered a measure of host range (by the same logic applied in their paper)?

  • macroHelminth: some small edits. NODF stuff is still running, so I can’t do much until that’s done.

  • helminthR: looked into the feasibility of scraping the year off host-parasite citation records. Many don’t have years, and the ones that do don’t necessarily follow a specific citation format (I’d basically be splitting up each string and looking for 4 consecutive numbers).

  • newIdeas: took some time to sit and think, play around with some of the helminth data, etc. It was good. I should probably be working more on beetle projects now though.

What should I be working on now?

  • rangeLean: play around with the code, and think about final plots generated from model

  • beetleLab: logistics. We’re behind on data entry, dishes, etc. Get priorityEffects data entered at a minimum.

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