Status for October 11

What have I worked on?

  • macroHelminth: review article fell by wayside as coauthors worked on sections independently. Now it’s in my hands, with some parts done, and some parts sadly never started. Pushed along a bunch today. Sent to collabs and uloaded manuscript text to Overleaf for some collaborative editing.

  • spatialExperiments: dispersalTrait is ready to go once equipment arrives, and I may wait until we get a couple more undergrads in the lab. There are other longer term questions that should start to be addressed. Conceptualized a couple experimental protocols to run by Alan and Brett.

  • logistics: checked in with Bill about ordering supplies, and took stock of lab materials.

  • newProjects: tossed some project ideas around with Colin.


  • spatialExperiments: push along spatial project protocols

What should I be working on now?

  • nodeProperties: Update RSelenium script for pulling citation number information.

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