Status for August 4

What have I worked on?

  • jobApp: research statement done. teaching statement half done. diversity statement to follow

  • stockData: templating complete to allow for automated plotting and analysis. Also, the old template was an Excel-formatted garbagefest with a borderline stupid number of merged and colored cells. Created as a Github repo on the hastings-lab org (private currently).

  • dispersalTrait: some thinking about experimental design. preliminary trials are getting pretty minimal dispersal. Could either increase dispersal time, make more holes in the boxes, make existing holes bigger, or add more individuals and hope to get a good estimate of dispersal as a force of density. Rather not modify boxes, since I’d be altering a bunch of them, and sort of need those for later experiments where I might not want to promote dispersal to the same extent.

  • reading: range limit papers, one about individual variation in dispersal

  • rangeShape: looking for data to address something that’s been bothering me since Robin mentioned it. Cryptic, right? More on this once it becomes a bit clearer in my mind.

  • srsMetacom: manuscript revision accepted! Reviewers had nothing but positive comments. Tight.

What should I be working on now?

  • dispersalTrait:

  • rangeShape: more thinking and some data exploration (who uses Ascii grid files as a means to represent spatial data!?)

Listening to: