Status for July 27

What have I worked on?

  • hostRange: sent to Shan, John, and Charlie for edits. Hopefully John is cool with my tiered approach to using the empirical data for validation in one step, and then forecasting in the next. I’m not sure why he’d not like it, as there’s no proble of information leakage, overfitting, or any of that junk.

  • reading: 1, the spatial chapter of Lande’s Stochastic Population Dynamics in Ecology and Conservation text, 2,

  • ideas: experimental ideas.

  • nodeProperties: tonight. incorporate Barbara’s suggestions for re-analysis. Time to test how well I wrote the code (i.e., can I re-run the analysis, get different model results, and have the workflow and plot-making run without any issues? I’m hopeful)

What should I be working on now?

  • stuff and things.

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