Status for May 24

What have I worked on?

  • tempVar population: read a bunch and did some EDA for nearly all the proposed projects. Directory structure there, but data looks a bit messy. Need to read more theory to get a firm idea of hypotheses.

  • website: updated. Nearly all credit should go to Timothee Poisot, since I think the majority of my website is either borrows code from or is inspired by his lab website.

  • nicheClass: text edits and incorporation of shifted figure.

  • nodeProperties: worked on text edits to make manuscript conceptually clearer. Spoke with Andrew as well about discussion formatting and such.

Also did a bunch of life stuff, including packing and getting rid of a lot of stuff. I also mapped out the route that my girlfriend, cat, and I will take across the country. 4 days and a lot of hopefully pretty scenary.

What should I be working on now?

  • tempVar: clearly sketch out the hypotheses, where they were generated from, and then if the data support them at all.

  • RCN: push along some of the projects you’ve let fall by the wayside. Perhaps most notably, the spatial variation in network properties project could be good to work on.

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