Status for January 26

What did I work on today?

  • class: taught, and provided feedback on assignments

  • tempVar: Further refined, and annotated where I think the the individual-level experiment will fit in.

  • barrigaNetwork: tossed around some more ideas. Project taking shape.

  • hostRange: fixed issue with error rate being higher when more data is available to model. This analysis seems supplementary to the main analysis. Worked on formatting the Rmd document, and sketching out manuscript structure (subject to change).

  • nicheClass: ugh. Why is coming up with exciting research ideas within a definite deadline so difficult?

What should I be working on tomorrow

  • nicheClass: keep thinking and reading

  • hostRange: keep pushing along manuscript structure.

  • nodeProperties: Don’t let this gather dust. Push the taxonomic info incorporation along.

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