Status for January 25

What did I work on today?

  • nicheClass: Read a bunch, and put way too much time into thinking about a class project. Relate to either RCN or SRS stuff to make it applicable beyond class? Set up repo, but will cement idea before I toss on Github.

  • tempVar: addressed all previous suggested edits. Need to further refine, and make a space for the individual-level experiment to fit in.

  • read: a backlog of solid papers for various projects (and some for funsies).

What should I be working on tomorrow

  • tempVar: Further refine, and make a space for the individual-level experiment to fit in.

  • hostRange: push along conceptually, and in terms of how the simulation bit relates to the empirical data (does using the Sevilleta data make sense for this application, or should be focusing on sparser, more broad-scale datasets?)

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