Status for December 11

What did I work on today?

  • labNotebook: wrote a Python script to create blog post entry skeletons, and an associated makefile that can create posts (make post) and add/commit/push changes to github (make github). I know it’s probably one of the most inelegant ways to serve up blog posts, but I’m happy with it. Don’t judge me.

  • nodeProperties: updated to incorporate Patrick’s methods changes.

  • thresholdDensity: jotted down quick blurb for meetingWithJohn

  • srsMetacom: incorporated and modified Marcus’ methods section additions

  • tempVar: Entered a borderline obscene amount of data.

  • meetingWithJohn: We’re going to sit and think on my R0 idea. I think it’s genius.

What should I be working on tomorrow

  • tempVar: cement some modeling protocols to dive into those data. Questions on the table involve the role of a variable environment on population synchrony, extinction time distro, resilience, etc. Let’s have some fun.

  • parasiteExtinction: Working with a group on some parasite extinction stuff. Need to do a bit of grunt work and georeference some host-parasite interactions.

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