Status for November 23

What did I work on today?

  • Dissertation formatting (Sunday)

  • nodeProperties: Today I worked on annotating and checking my code, and converting the analyses over from treating the host co-occurrence networks (i.e. networks of parasite sharing among host species) as binary to having weighted edges. This influences the calculation of centrality measures, and the ability to accurately predict these centrality measures actually increases as a result of this. Push the text of this along, and this has potential to be a really cool paper. Here’s a potential figure from the paper.

A sweet graph

  • Made sure Paige knows how to take care of the Daphnia monsters in my absence, and did some light stock maintenance.

  • fishParasite: Responded to reviewers, edited manuscript text, and am pretty stoked about this paper. Models of parasite occurrence perform most accurately when trained on information on the parasite community, suggesting that the parasite community contains information on the likelihood parasite infection by a novel parasite. Kinda neat, right?

What should I be working on tomorrow

  • Travel, read, and eat lots of food.

Thanksgiving break

  • Review Oecologia manuscript

  • Review Landscape Ecology manuscript

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