Status for November 9

What did I work on today?

  • FishParasite edits, responses, and code formatting

  • helminthR dev, and manuscript edits (db is down, so not a huge amount of progress, but I did what I could)

  • DiseaseMacroecology Github organization setup (time to get projects organized and pushed along!)

  • resistanceCost manuscript ready for re-submission

  • Some Threshold work, but that needs to ramp up. It’s good science, but damn is it frustrating.

What should I be working on tomorrow

  • Create md file for each DiseaseMacroecology project outlining the next steps forward. Use issues to track smaller stuff. Use the md documents for larger ideas and the conceptual way forward.

  • RH made small change to network dissimilarity measure. Look it over, make sure you understand the consequences of the change, and then email the group back

  • Review Oecologia manuscript

  • helminthR edits if NHM db is up

Listening to:

At least 10 times today. So good.