Status for Aug 27

What did I work on today?

  • Threshold host density model development. Got stochastic model working with some tweaks, so now I need to focus on plotting, and changing the manuscript text to emphasize stochastic framework (one paragraph should suffice)

  • Met with JP and John to discuss rocky outcrop community ecology projects. Unsure where/if/how I will be contributing.

What should I be working on tomorrow?

  • Push the threshold stuff along as far as you can. This needs to get re-submitted before too long.

  • Dissertation concluding chapter. Intro is in halfway decent shape, but discussion is hardly touched.

Sometime soon

  • James Carmon Scholarship application?

  • SRS project thinking + updating repo

  • some RCN project protocol work related to GlobalHelminth stuff

Back of mind

  • Think about postdocs, and what you want to do with the rest of your life.

    • Omidyar Fellowship