Status for June 21

What have I worked on?

Been awhile, again. Oops. Biggest news is that the lab is moving to University of South Carolina after this coming fall semester. It’s created some logistical challenges for my partner and me, but we believe it’s for the better.

  • logistics: lots of grant paperwork and other stuff

  • mosquitoPartite: pushed some of the analyses, figure making, and writing forward

  • professionalService: I’ve received 8 review requests in the past week. I don’t know why this is, and I certainly am not accepting all of them, but now I have 2 or 3 reviews to work on, in addition to being handling editor for 2 manuscripts.

  • bioStability: revisions at Ecology. Worked on addressing concerns.

  • sw: code for a few different ongoing projects exploring commercial sex work networks. Pushed some of this forward.

  • lifePlan: passing off some sampling to Daijiang Li, but am working to get this up and running here in Baton Rouge.

  • otherStuff: probably loads more, since it has been so long since this has been updated.


  • bike: hop on the trainer since it’s raining outside

What should I be working on now?

  • nihDataSci: grant due July 2 is currently going through the approval/submission process.

  • professionalService: do the reviews

  • mosquitoPartite: write the methods section and some of the narrative tomorrow.

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